Tumblingjazz Documentation

Documentation for Tumblingjazz - Tumblr bot / automation software

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Posting Via RSS feeds

TumJazz can use RSS feeds to find content (images, videos, audio, text, links) and post them to automatically to Tumblr. All RSS posting modules work in a similar way. Specify your RSS feed, specify how to extract the data from the feed and set content specific parameters.

Posting content from RSS is similar to posting the same content from a folder / file on your local with regards to the basic settings. Meaning the upload images options are the same as post image from RSS feed. The only difference is:

  • Assign RSS meta

Specify RSS Meta

In order to post images from an RSS feed, you must instruct TumJazz how to find the image and caption. This is quite an advanced feature. You will need to know: XML / RSS formatting, Xpath and HTML.

More specific help on setting your RSS meta is on the forum, along with tokens and examples: `<http://rootjazz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2006>`_

You will need to specify two values at a mininum 1) How to extract each item from the feed 2) How to extract the image

The other meta elements relate to the meta of the image to upload

  • Title
  • Tags
  • Description
  • Stub
  • URL Source
  • Click Thru

But these are optional.

At the top of the meta form are some preset options: Pinterest, Imgur. These will pre-populate the fields allowing you to download content from these sites without having to set them up.

For custom feeds, things are a bit tricky, you need to have an idea of HTML, XML / RSS and XPATH. You need to specify which RSS elements contains the relevant data and how to extract data from within those elements.

The field item corresponds to a post within the RSS feed, each should contain the content you are wanting to post

We can specify an RSS element via the notation <item> or <title> or <link> etc.

Sometimes we do not want the whole element body, just a subsection, for this we use xpath: <media:content[@url]> Here the xpath statement is contained within the RSS element declaration.

1) Item

The RSS item is usually denoted by the field <item> although it is sometimes <entry>

2) How to extract the image

It is unlikely the image URL is a specific RSS element, so we are going to have to scrape it. There are a few ways to do this. We can pull it via Xpath from an RSS element. We can pull it via pattern matching with a src="..." attribute, or we can scrape it from a page linked via the RSS feed.

More specific help on this, along with tokens can be found at the forum: http://rootjazz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3428

3) How to extract the caption

Extract a caption is usually fairly straight forward, you will either be wanting to use the RSS item's description or title.

RSS meta tokens


The above token [srclike=XXX] is a pattern match token, where we will return any src attribute that contains XXX within the RSS description element so:

<description> <p>This is the body of the description and the image we want is <img src="http://website.com/images/uploads/830229oiuhf.jpg"></p></description>

To extract this image, assuming all images are specified the same in all items:


The Post From RSS Feed module is a great way to keep your account posting on topic content, you can set the module to check the feed for new images every X hours, ensure only unique images are posted and keep your followers engaged!

Depending on the content you are posting: images, content, audio, video the meta that you can set may change slightly, but all modules work fundamentally the same