Tumblingjazz Documentation

Documentation for Tumblingjazz - Tumblr bot / automation software

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Advanced Account Details


Daily Limits

The daily limits allow you to specify what this account is allowed to process within a 24 hour period. These are account specific limits and will override the Global Daily Limits as set on the global SETTINGS tab.

NOTE: There are two methods for calculating your Daily Limit usage. By default the program will use the "past 24 hours". So if it is now Monday 15:05 / 3:05pm, all items you have processed since Sunday 15:05 / 3:05pm will be calculated. However, Tumblr limits work from number of item processed since midnight Central time. If you want to use this method for calculating your previously processed items, please check select it on the SETTINGS tab in the Global Limits section

What Limits should I set?

There is no perfect answer here, it depends. It depends on your goals, it depends on your account, your niche, how annoying your account will be, how spammy it is, how many hashtags you post, how many mentions you make, whether you want to keep your account live for the long haul or whether you want to churn and burn.

Ultimately, you have to test and see what works. Read the forum: https://rootjazz.com/forum read the relevant sections over on blackhatworld.com and other messaging boards. If you really want a number that SEEMS to be OK today, I would say

  • Follows: 80
  • Likes: 100
  • Reposts: 50
  • Posts: 50

Disclaimer: No responsibility taken for any thing that may or may not happen whilst using those settings


This is the browser identifying value sent to tumblr with each request TumJazz makes, by default it will use a popular modern UA string, but you can enter a specific value here

Filter Out NSFW

By default TumJazz specifies your account as NSFW. This allows you to return NSFW searches automatically. However, if you want to turn this off, thus making your account SFW (no adult images will be returned for adult searches, you can check this box