Posting uploading

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Posting uploading

Post by Pavel »


I think uploading is one of the most hard process for users who promote fake accounts. The thing is if u just repost files from main account they can ban the main account (what i gone through twice), so now i prefer to get followers on accounts not connected with my main one, so I have to upload all files there. The best way to get traffic on my web page is to put a buy link to the songs and web page link to the account. To do that I really need some multi uploading actions letting me upload the same song to multi accounts and add a buy link there. Also it would be just perfect if I could add a tags to a track (to make it easier to find) and a artwork, to make it look more attractive. So why functions for uploading are so poor? Could u please answer the following questions:
1. How to upload the same track to 50 accounts?

2. Is it hard to make more options on uploading like artwork and tags?

3. A small caprice)) is it also possible to add more options to the account info editing? Like to add web pages, social media and custom pages. It would also make fake account more attractive and be like a real account.
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by martin@rootjazz »

So why functions for uploading are so poor?
Basically, no one asks for updates.

If no one asks for updates, I asssume either
a) everyone loves the current module and cannot think of how to make it better
b) no one uses it

in each case, there is no need for me to touch / update the module

So your requests
1. Upload same track to multiple accounts.
2. More options on uploading: artwork and tags
3. More options to the account info editing: Add web pages, social media and custom pages.

The problem with 3) is footprints. 100 accounts create all linking to the same website are fake accounts. All get deleted This is why I didn't do this before.
Suggestions 1 and 2 are good ones and have been added to the feature requested list
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by Pavel »

Anyway everybody promote on sound cloud to sell or add to their own fun base, so anyway there should be the link. I offer also to make the buy link editing system. Look without link any promotion is almost useless, so I think u have to find some other way for cleanup like connecting for some link creating service or something like that… Anyway I guess anybody put their links there or in other way why do they do that promo? Purpose of promo is get traffic, in other way I don't know what is the use of it.
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by martin@rootjazz »

The track uploader was requested initially to make fake accounts appear more realistic.

Not so much to manage your soundcloud uploading to main account (hence the lack of main account features you would want).

You are suggesting features for a main account uploading system, which is not what the current system was designed for, hence the lack of features).

Your suggestion has been noted. The more people that request a feature the quicker it will get added. Please understand I cannot implement every single feature that gets suggested so have to decide what on features that appeal to the most users.
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by Pavel »

The thing is soundcloud ban main accounts what are reposted by many others, so this is why i created few accounts what don't have anything similar to a main account. I guess it is very easy to make system upload tracks and names in some order, not random so... As the result people would get a really effective uploading system what could save them much time..
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by martin@rootjazz »

The thing is soundcloud ban main accounts what are reposted by many others, so this is why i created few accounts what don't have anything similar to a main account. I guess it is very easy to make system upload tracks and names in some order, not random so... As the result people would get a really effective uploading system what could save them much time..
If you don't mind, can you list the features you would like to see added / changed in the track uploading in the order or importance.

Just makes it easier and tends to be more accurate if I can work from a list. That way, I don't assume you wanting a particular feature more than another incorrectly :)
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by Pavel »

I wrote u something to e-mail, but the best way would be like this:

1. Automatic track naming using tags
2. Manual track naming like filename:track name
3. Tags adding to a track.
4. Artwork adding I think from the folder one by one would be the only way to do it. But it is some extra feature not so important.
5. Buy Link Adding. This would be very easy to create a link to your web page.
6. Delete option. like, write a link to a track (list of tracks) and scm delete it (it is made to avoid some editing action).
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Re: Posting uploading

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Thanks for the input. I hope to get some time to look at track uploading, early next week
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