Catchall Emails

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Catchall Emails

Post by Snowbl1nd »

Hi All

Just got the software and I'm excited to get started. I will be building about 250 tumbler's in the next 2 - 3 months. I'm worried about acc's getting banned and the only footprint/ trace will be the catchall email that have the same domain. I have 250 proxies and taking things slow. Has anyone experienced problems using catchall emails and having acc's banned. Is it OK to use catchall emails or should I use different email accounts like Yahoo, Gmail and some ? I Will be investing a lot of time into the project and just want to make sure on the best way forward.
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Re: Catchall Emails

Post by martin@rootjazz »

catchall is a footprint. They can see a domain was never used to sign up accounts, then all of a sudden is signing up like crazy.

But it's a numbers game.
10 accounts, no problem
1000s and more likely to have a problem.

Best is to purchase outlook / gmail / yahoo / whatever

Some dodgy Russian domain, probably less good.

Also, if you are planning on doing safe niches, it is less risky than if you are running more dodgy accounts with content not allowed.

Everything is a tradeoff. And account bans are just part of the game
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