Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

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Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

Post by turbulentX »

I've been utilizing TwitterDub across 6 different accounts, and initially, all seemed well. However, I've recently discovered a perplexing issue with my computer's storage rapidly filling up. Each TwitterDub instance appears to be generating hefty files, ranging from 2-5GB each every few days.

In an attempt to manage this, I moved these files to a 5TB external hard drive, but to my dismay, my computer's storage was maxed out again within two days. Despite clearing logs, performing disk cleanups, and trying all the storage-saving tips I know, I'm still seeing about 100GB of data being used up every few days.

It's important to note that my usage is moderate, involving basic follow, unfollow, and messaging activities across roughly 25 accounts. I'm not engaging in any excessive actions that would typically consume such significant amounts of storage.

This leads me to several questions:

Why are these TwitterDub files so large?
Is there something in my usage pattern contributing to this issue?
Most importantly, how can I set up TwitterDub to automatically save all files directly to the external hard drive by default? I've thought about renaming files on the external drive for consistency, but the software doesn't seem to allow changes in the save location.

Given Martin's expertise and the collective wisdom here, I'm hopeful for some guidance.
How can I resolve these storage challenges, and is there a way to ensure that TwitterDub files are saved externally by default, preventing this rapid storage consumption?

Thank you in advance for any advice or insights you can share!
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Re: Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

Post by turbulentX »

What is even weirder.....the massice 5-10GB files, are only on select TwitterDub Instances. 2,3,5,6. Not on 1,4,7. Assuming it is just writing over the data, but that also may be wrong because the files are larger days ago, and smaller today. Nearly 200 gigs of files. @Martin hope you can help me out the world is going to run out of storage at this pace. lol :lol:
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Re: Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

Post by martin@rootjazz »

what files are they? Do you know?

You can use spacesniffer:

It can help you locate files / folders that are large in a visual way

Let me know then we can take it from there

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Re: Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

Post by turbulentX »

From what I see they seem to be logs. I have a photo but cant upload it here. Logs for post tweets, search unlike, etc. All txt docs. 4-10gbs each, that has to be hundreds of thousands of lines and with several different instances, each account just does normal things, only 100 followers, or so, (I am just trying to paint you the picture). Whats strange, again, they seem to be duplicates, or daily. There are only a handful of tasks done daily on each instance, no way its generating 8gb file for one days data, its just not either overwriting yesterdays, or something. Let me know and I can send you an email with a video or log, etc
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Re: Navigating Storage Woes with Multiple TwitterDub Instances

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Logs are held for 7 days.

But anything in the /logs/ folder can be deleted.


Then run an action that was generating massive logs. If you see a file getting to 10>20>30mb. Stop there and send me that file. No need to wait for it to get to gbs (nothing I can do with files that big) but if you can catch it around the 20mb (or anything under 100mb) we should be able to figure it out.

Also, make sure you are fully uptodate

Could be an old issue (maybe)
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