Important and Good Feature requests

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Re: Important and Good Feature requests

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Threads were not increased as there is really no point. As mentioned before
Regarding the 40 thread limit. Just cranking up the threads does not necessarily increase speed. Your processor can only handle the number of threads as to how many cores you have. So dual core means can process 2 threads at once. quad core = 4. By increasing the threads you need to move these threads in and out of the processor. As the threads are not always busy u pto a point increasing threads increases throughput. But you will eventually meet diminishing returns, whereby you are spending so much time moving all threads in and out of the processor, the actually time to process is increases due to this.

Hence I reckon, having a 100 threads, isn't necessarily as quick as having 40 threads or perhaps less.
But if you must, next time I am in the mixcloudfunked source code, I will crank it up for you
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Re: Important and Good Feature requests

Post by arcan210 »

100 threads is very excessive. Please think about slowing things down to a realistic pace. If you abuse the system like that they will just work that much harder to shut us down. Just look at the current situation with plays not working. MixCloud did that on purpose to shut us down.

Think about what you are doing.
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