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New profiles

Post by mewmarc »

Having trouble with profile creation. Getting the following error messages.

11:27:05: * FAILED: Create account failed: loc.6345: Couldn't extract URL var app for URL: Returned empty: Code: -1 proxy: Proxy: : copurijozan80
11:27:05: IMPORT account method:


11:26:14: * FAILED: Create account failed: Code: 407 proxy: Proxy: Couldn't extract appver from src: Is this a valid Useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.122 Safari/537.36
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Re: New profiles

Post by martin@rootjazz »

-1 / empty / <null> means no response received.

This is either your network was down, the proxy wasn't working, something on your machine blocked the request / the site server timed out and didn't respond in time (unlikely but does happen)

If using a proxy, test it:
Please confirm your proxy is working, more info on how to do that here:


If the proxy appears to be working fine, please run the action again as it could have been a network "blip".

If the issue appears to be persistent, please check your anti virus / security software as they *may* block the app from the accessing the network: the two most common are:

* Windows Defender
* Smart screen

Make sure the applications program files folder:

c:\program files (x86)\soundcloud manager

is whitelisted and / or all the .exe and .dlls in that folder.

Please let me know what operating system you are using and how you run the program: At home / on VPS / In VM?

But I assume you are using the free scraped public proxies, those will be the issue. They are very low quality and most don't work. Hence the issue.

Public Proxy Issues:

Plays increase slowness is due to soundcloud changes and the fact you are using the same public proxies as every other user.

Soundcloud now blocks many public proxies. They also limit the plays a proxxy can do in a time period.

So just as you can scrape free proxies, so can every other SCM user, so can soundcloud.

IF 100 people are trying to give plays at the same time. Soundcloud can see one IP trying to play 100 tracks. This is not realistic, so only one play will work, the others will fail.

The best way is to use private proxies. You are using the same free public proxies as everyone else, this causes problems. Ultimately, free proxies are free because they are not very good, you get what you pay for. So if you use free proxies, they will be slow and many will fail

Regarding proxies. There is general information on the forum ... oxies#p393 ... oxies#p256

How can I improve public proxy effectiveness?

Why do plays / proxies not work, log out so many errors?

One way to improve them is to get a verified list

When you use a proxy to increase a track plays, if it succeeds it is logged to your LOGS folder with the name
where XXXX is a timestamp i.e. 20130918_

So if you scrape 1000 proxies, then setup an action to increase any track by 500 plays, once the action has complete you can go to your logs folder via:
then look for the XXXXX_proxy-success.txt and that file will list all working proxies used for the plays action.

You can see this in the video tutorial:

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