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follow users function not working

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:58 am
by trackbullies
my log ID is: logs_trackbulliesgmailcom_60846

every time the proccess starts i says how many users i follow then it says stopping then followed 0 usrers complete... i tried loading a v2 list... i tried following users of a certain user... i tried groups and everything... i am very tech savy so i know how to use all the functions but it doesnt even try to scrape the users at all it just stops after it calculates how many followers i have... here's the funny thing... my trackbullies account works fine... but my dropdatofficial account follow doesnt work... the unfollow and everything else woks... i even checked to see if i was blocked by soundcloud and i'm not... please help!

and thanks for adding the single account limits thats a great function

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:29 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Thanks for the logs, I will check now and get back to you in a few minutes

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:37 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Strange, I don't see what you reporting in the logs (but maybe am looking at wrong logs)
01:51:41: DbActionFollow: Processing follow users in list: C:\Users\path\to\yourfile.txt
01:51:41: tryreload: #USER#
01:51:44: DbActionFollow: Using an acc proxy
01:51:44: DbActionFollow: Attempting automatic cookie login: #USER# No Proxy
01:51:48: DbActionFollow: Cookie login successful: #USER# No Proxy
01:51:48: DbActionFollow: Reloaded from cookies: #USER#
01:51:48: DbActionFollow: Follow all users: 2000
01:51:48: DbActionFollow: Follow: #OTHER_USER#
01:51:52: DbActionFollow: * USER NOT ONLINE:
01:51:52: DbActionFollow: Follow: #OTHER_USER#
01:51:52: DbActionFollow: * USER NOT ONLINE:
01:52:05: DbActionFollow: Do not follow as followed once before: #OTHER_USER#
01:52:05: DbActionFollow: Do not follow as followed once before: #OTHER_USER#
01:52:05: DbActionFollow: Do not follow as followed once before: #OTHER_USER#
01:52:05: DbActionFollow: Follow: #OTHER_USER#
01:52:13: DbActionFollow: Post follow data:
01:52:13: DbActionFollow: Posted follow data:
01:52:13: DbActionFollow: * SUCCESS: Followed: #OTHER_USER#

If you can do the following for me, it should help to get to the bottom of this

2) Delete everything in your logs folder
3) Run a new follow action for this user that is the same that before has failed (do not run ANY other actions, run this action single threaded)
4) If the problem occurs, submit logs again AND send me the processing logs.

If you don't want to post this info to the forum, use

Code: Select all


Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:18 am
by trackbullies
ok i just tried it twice then submitted the logs here it is logs_trackbulliesgmailcom_50870

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:08 pm
by martin@rootjazz
The reason the process stops is because you specified a "Stop Following At" value, which is less than your number of current followers.

Set that value to 0 and try again.

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:31 am
by trackbullies
omg!!!!! that was so simple lol gonna try it now

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:29 am
by trackbullies
works great thanks!!!!!! :D please never get rid of this software... it's the best ever!!!!!!!!! :D

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:06 pm
by martin@rootjazz
trackbullies wrote:omg!!!!! that was so simple lol gonna try it now
I have also updated the software, so it logs this out so you know why it is happening. Before it was just cancelling out with no log which isn't very informative

This feature, is to allow you to stay WELL BELOW the limits (if you choose).

For example, SC allows you to follow a MAX of 2000 users. It has been suggested they are checking for users that follow up to 2000 users, then unfollow a load, then follow up to 2000 again etc etc.

Instead, you can follow up to 1806 (or another random number) then unfollow down, then repeat.

Just a way to try and stay one step ahead of SC, whether it works or not, that is another matter ;-)

Re: follow users function not working

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:17 pm
by trackbullies
thank u