alternate accounts to auto search for new track and repost

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alternate accounts to auto search for new track and repost

Post by rootjazzcustomer »

Hello Martin. I have multiple alternate accounts all promoting one main account. The main account is not being managed within soundcloud manager, only the alternate accounts are.

I want to automate an action where the alternate accounts will check regularly to see if the main account has uploaded any new tracks. If indeed during that check there is a new track found then I want all the alternate accounts to repost the new track that was found on the main account. Is there anyway to automate this?

I think this should be implemented with a very quick dialog box or tab of some sort.

Something like........ Having its own thumbnail tab>options as follow

Search new tracks of user (have an open field box to paste in the full url of the user) and repost /using selected accounts

Then you could make different options having time interval options with pause delay / repost track once / number of repeats etc similar to the "mass repost" tab.

Also it would be much easier if all we had to do was copy the users full url (like <---a full url) into the open field box.

Thanks a million for reading and thanks a billion if you implement this! lol.
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Re: alternate accounts to auto search for new track and repo

Post by martin@rootjazz »

I can sort of see the benefit. Although, how often do you upload new tracks? I imagine it isn't that regular, perhaps weekly? Not really that much effort to enter the track URL into the mega mass tab and specify
mass like
mass repost
mass comment

About a minute a week

But suggestion noted
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Re: alternate accounts to auto search for new track and repo

Post by rootjazzcustomer »

For me it takes more then a minute. Because i set up different intervals of delay for each account that is reposting for every time i upload a new track, So it takes maybe about 5 mins. I don't upload regularly right now, however I intend on doing 1 to 2 uploads a week very soon.

My idea is just more of a set it and forget vision. I would like my soundcloud manager to run for days on end without me having to go back into it and add new processes. I figure if i just create some processes to execute itself once every 24 hours for about 100 repeats then I could focus more time on other things. I see what your saying about how long it takes. Like i said just more of a set it and forget it type thing. :)
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Re: alternate accounts to auto search for new track and repo

Post by martin@rootjazz »

On the MASS tab, you can save setups, so you set them up once > save, then can reload specific mass campaigns in one click, change the URL and away you go. Maybe < minute.

Might be of use to you (might not..)
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