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Verification issue

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:19 pm
by varza
I'm new with instadub but cant find a way to get around verification. I imported the accounts using txt file successful but now I have a new issue. I verify them and use then the promo section and set as safe /effective and then select accounts and add similar accounts. Once I did that I press run to process but I see is only 1 thread working so I put 100 instead (maximum). After that bot try to follow but almost all accounts required back verification. I use these accounts with same proxy on my old bot but now I get this limitation and I dont know what to done . Since if I try to open the browser with each account will not work even if I update already chromedrive

Re: Verification issue

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:49 pm
by martin@rootjazz
For the browser issue. Check your CHROME VERSION

What version is it?

Follow instructions to get the chromedriver you need:

viewtopic.php?f=28&t=8193&p=50920&hilit ... ver#p50920

If still doesn't work, submit logs: HELP > LOGS > SUBMIT

then send your logs ID - the numbers are sufficient (displayed after successful uploading of logs)

The reason for verification is most likely you are using a new device to your old one. Also with PROMO module, I haven't reviewed the values for aggressive / normal /safe for a while. They probably need downgrading for 2022
