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SoundManager Genereal questions

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:43 pm
by martin@rootjazz
1)Your software cost is only one time or any subscription basis?
One time cost. There will never be a subscription charge for the product or support
>2)How many systems license can install? how many systems can use software simultaneously?(Some members interest to run many Vmware systems)
You get 3 licenses to use on your machines. These licenses are for you (the purchaser) They may not be sold or given away.

3)How long your website running?I mean when started?
Application was released around Dec 2012 / Jan 2013

4)Are sure sure life time updates offer free?
Yes. But please do be aware, by life time updates, this is same as any other software when they say "life time updates". It is the life time of the software, not *your* lifetime.

5)If suppose not satisfy will you offer 100% refund within one month
without ask any question?
Yes I will refund (for any reason, whether it doesn't work for you, or you don't like it, or even if you just wanted to give your tracks some plays, now you have done that and want your money back grrrr lol), but I will ask you why. If you had problems, didn't like something, or wanted another feature, I would like to know so I can improve the software. You don't have to answer, I will still process the refund
6)Any discount if buy more than one your softwares?(some members interest
to buy sc manager and mixcloud bot)
Yes, they can contact me and we can discuss depending on what they want to buy.
7)Do you have any other bots except this page(
Yes I have some private bots that I do not sell publicly. For this I will need to be contacted privately