Error 401? Please help!

TumblingJazz Tumblr bot discussion
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Error 401? Please help!

Post by xxbilliexx »


I might be doing something wrong but I'm trying to post images to a secondary blog. I have all my images and stuff set up and stuff but they're not posting. I checked the logs and saw that there was an error:

11:53:29: Posting meta
11:53:29: * ERROR:401
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
11:53:29: * FAILED: Upload Image Meta: 97865432565667 : The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
11:53:29: * FAILED: post image to nocontextsimsexchange - simnostalgia No Proxy

I might just be doing something wrong. I submitted the logs, is this a user error on my part or some other issue? To test I tried to mass like things too but that didn't really do anything either. :?

Lemme know if I'm just stupid,
Thanks! :lol:
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Re: Error 401? Please help!

Post by martin@rootjazz »

sorry for delay, I don't know how you were able to post in this board, it's closed. Meant to be read only. Use the tumblr support board

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