New bot?

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New bot?

Post by mark »

Hello Martin, I know I asked something similar to this about 2 years ago but now the need is slightly different. A spotify bot that only performs saves/follows.

Like, import 100 accounts on the bot, I create a playlist, I can tell my 100 accounts to follow the playlist/artist. If I release a song, I can tell my 100 accounts to save the song (you don't need to stream the song to save it).

Just like SoundCloud manager basically, but only saves and follows

I know you guys wouldn't do it because boosting streams leads to getting paid for them and that is, in fact, fraud. But, in my understanding, although it can be seen as unethical, as you said; increasing saves/followers isn't fraudulent.
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Re: New bot?

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Your interest is noted. Any new bot will need to have the potential for sales, such a limited function bot probably does not meet that requirement unfortunately
