What are threads?

Tutorials, guides and links on how to use the Soundcloud Manager software
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What are threads?

Post by dankje »

Where can I find information about threads? I read about it everywhere but I cannot find an explanation of what it means.

For example: under "create accounts" you can ad a value for how many "accounts" and how many "threads."
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Re: What are threads?

Post by martin@rootjazz »

A thread is how many things can be done at once.

on the processor, set it to 1 thread and 1 action can run.

Set it to 10 and 10 actions will run concurrently
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Re: What are threads?

Post by dankje »

Ok, this seems like an important function because it can get you into trouble but also save you a lot of time.
Does it mean that you can have more accounts then one work at the same time. So for example. If i have 30 accounts that have to complete tasks, will extra threads complete tasks for different accounts, or would these threads complete tasks for the account that is currently processing?

This might be confusing how I ask it, but i hope its clear.
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Re: What are threads?

Post by martin@rootjazz »

yes, more threads more things happen.

Settings tab > SAFE MODE you can limit that only one thread will work for a single account at any one time.

So if you add 10 actions for acc1 with 10 threads, only 1 thread runs, then add another 10 actions for 10 accounts and all would run.

But read the docs. Is all covered

The documentation should help you:


Video Tutorials
SoundcloudManager is constantly updating, being improved, added to. Due to this some of the older tutorials may be a bit out of date in regard to the look of the application, however the sentiment will still apply. Firstly it is receommended you watch the Latest Tutorials for SoundcloudManagerv3, which are up to date and relate to the current application. Any module / function you do not find in the v3 tutorials will be covered in the older tutorials.

Beginners Guide SoundcloudManager v3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtEqQSU ... mQ-y_37SdJ

SoundcloudManager v3 - All tutorials
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtEqQSU ... 8Ok47r_keF

Soundcloud Manager v3 - Features
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaJxz3M ... DfaQ5XjyLG

Soundcloud Manager Beginners Quick Guide Series (older but still applicable)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... W4iV_v9G7Z

SeriesA: Beginners Guide to Get verified list of proxies / Create Accounts / Increase Likes (older but still applicable)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... jUvZUUSoCw

Soundcloud Manager All Beginners Tutorials (older but still applicable)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... ROFzp1nF08

All Video Tutorials
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... ihFRBzMGYD

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