how can I do this repost / plays / fav / download / comments

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how can I do this repost / plays / fav / download / comments

Post by martin@rootjazz »

>Basically I don't need anything to crazy.
hmmmm, lets check what you want
>I need the ability to have thousands of
So then, each account can repost a track one time. So to repost a track 1000 times you need a 1000 accounts. So you need 1000 email accounts.

Please think about this for a moment. That is a big number. You cannot expect to create 1000 accounts on a single machine / IP. Soundcloud does not want you create fake accounts and if it detects them, it will ban them.

So you must use proxies. Now you can use public proxies, but so is everyone else. If you create an account on a public proxy that someone else uses to send "buy viagra" pms and gets banned, your account will be banned as was created by the same machine / IP. This is a risk of public proxies. But they are free.

So for a 1000 accounts you need 1000 imported email accounts or a catchall domain. But then again, soundcloud may detect 1000 accounts created over a short period at an unusual domain. So you must take it steady.

Additionally, you need at least 100 QUALITY working proxies, so 10 accounts per proxy, even that may be pushing it.
As reposts, one account one favourite, same as above
>plays / Downloads
plays are easy, click scrape proxies. Click play. Downloads the same
> Comments.
Need accounts, but can use the same account to comment on the same track many times.

There is a lot of information on the forum, I would recommend you have a read through it to get a basic understanding of the program / the basics of botting. It isn't about setting things to run at a maximum speed. You need to try and keep under the radar. Keep it slow, keep it steady. Soundcloud is looking for automation bot. Keep that in mind with whatever you do.
> I would like a step by step guide how to do this
There are some videos on
They are a bit old and am redoing them this week, but the basics are the same.

Feel free to post a more specific action and I can make those videos with a priority
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