Proxy Validation

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Proxy Validation

Post by PopFloat »

I apologize if this isn't the correct forum for this question but here goes.

I was wondering if you could provide any additional insight on how your system is validating proxies. I have a third party proxy checker, specifically the Frozen Proxy Checker and it has the added bonus of being able to run 1000 threads at a time and I have a very fast computer and network so that's easily utilized. However, I'm not getting any proxies to validate through it, where as your validator says some work (and they do work).

All of the available options are listed in the image linked at the bottom. If you know how to make this checker work, or have another one you can recommend I'd really appreciate it. I have a large collection of semi-private proxies but validating them with just 32 threads takes a very long time.

Forgive this semi-off topic question but assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Proxy Validation

Post by martin@rootjazz »

if your proxy checker isn't work, best to contact the devs of that software.

But in SCM it pulls a page on my server. That will determine if
a) the proxy is working

It then checks for some text on the page, that lists reported IP
b) that checks is basic anon

It then checks if real IP is leaked through other headers (perhaps forwarded by)
c) that is high anon check
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