Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by TwitterNub »

As to the accounts that now read "Account null". They still exist, same information still logs them in, I thought maybe they got banned or something but I can still log in to them. That's a whole new problem.
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by ron »

+1 from my end as well. Please check this link for my bit on the error - viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2434&p=13311#p13311

Twitternub don't worry, the bot provides a lot of power to the end user causing problems like these with minor api changes. Hope they get fixed soon.
Don't desert the bot or idea though, Martin is the perfect guy for the job and lot of money to be made on twitter :)
Last edited by ron on Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by TwitterNub »

Hey Ron, Thanks for the reply bud. I appreciate it. Don't worry I don't want to abandon the program, I honestly really like it, I suppose I just get a tad bit frustrated is all. It's definitely not Martins fault, I give him nothing but praise he's an awesome dude and very patient and helpful. I can tell he cares about his customers. I still got a full month on my proxies so I still got plenty of test time ( i believe I renewed on xmas day).

Anyways, Ive seemed to have figured out what was causing my problem at least with the "Account Null". I had accidently logged into a few of my accounts on the wrong proxy about 2-3 days ago when I was checking them to be sure they were still active. I'm guessing it was these 2 accounts, OR they detected something they didnt like. They locked my account and asked me to change my password due to "unsual activity". Typically when they lock my account for too many follows or what ever it has me set up my phone and then click unlock, once my phone is set up, it just says click unlock. This time around it made me change my password and didn't say anything about too much activity or automation use.

This leads me to believe that it was me logging into my accounts on the wrong proxy that threw them off and made them thin kI was hacked or something.

Anyways I have now changed the password for both accounts and the "Account Null" situation has gone away.

You can try that too Ron if it's giving you the same errors. It took me a minute of clicking around the account before it displayed the message. I hope this helps you too man. Best of luck in the future :) Thanks again for your response.
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by martin@rootjazz »

TwitterNub wrote: It's definitely not Martins fault
Thanks for the vote of confidence, although it is false. Somethings are very much my fault, all noted on the forum, in the change log - but that doesn't mean a lot when you are losing time and money which I appreciate has happened to ron.

But not everything is my fault and are caused by things outside of my control, base libraries / network / twitter. But ultimately they are my responsibility to sort out. But, although I like to think they all get sorted eventually that perhaps isn't as quick as I or customers would like. End of the day, there is just one me and only so many hours in the day
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by martin@rootjazz »

so onto the issues.

I am getting confused keeping on top of what issues are still waiting fixes in this thread.

account null
Where did you see this? In the processor? For what actions?

The exception, was it being caused on actions with a filter and a custom search?

Can you check if the latest update fixes it as there is a fix for custom searches through multiple chains of different types with filters that might explain your issue
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by martin@rootjazz »

TwitterNub wrote:All of the accounts that stop working I have to re-authorize and then they suddenly work again for a few hours, but that's only a few hours, not even a full day. Why is this?
How many accounts are you running?

When this issue occurs does it effect all actions? Even if you try and create an action with a single account, trying to follow 2 users?
If you try and create a scraper action to scrape 10 users?
If you try and VERIFY ACCOUNT via login from the ACCOUNTS tab?
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by TwitterNub »

You do great Martin, really. I really appreciate your help and I completely understand that you are a one man army. I appreciate your time.

I am sorry to confuse ya, It's been a minute since this thread was started and there are many topics in here to go through after all is said and done.

The main problem I want to focus on is the failing & early completion of "Like, follow, retweet" actions. There seems to be 2 scenarios. 1. I start my accounts doing any of the follow actions above, the first 10 or so work (no matter what first 10 are selected) and then after that it starts throwing the object cant be located error mentioned above.

OR 2: it says that the account can't be authorized and then fails. I will then re-authorize the account and it will work for another 16-20 hours before needing to be reauthorized again. There's doesn't seem to be any reasoning to the accounts which need it, it seems to randomly pick through them.

I'm also running fairly conservative amounts of actions per account (or at least I'd like to think I am).

I am trying to re-update the program now and I will get back to you Mr. Martin. Sorry I get a tad bit frustrated. I am paying for proxies and buying accounts and all that good stuff so I have a bit invested in this as well. That was the only reason I was getting frustrated, I feel like I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back haha. I can never seem to get the program to run @ 100% for longer than 18 hours without throwing failures.

I am trying something new though as well with tweet stream and all that good stuff. I will keep you updated. Thanks for your patience and time. I hope you have a happy new years man. I'd share a Guinness with ya if I could.

Talk soon!
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Re: Accounts were working then suddenly started failing

Post by martin@rootjazz »

This thread has too many issues, too many off topic submissions. I am locking it.

If anyone is still having an issue that was mentioned here, please start a new topic with a *DESCRIPTIVE* title

twitternub, here is your latest post
