Process not starting on schedule

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Process not starting on schedule

Post by HMMusic »

I scheduled soundcloud manager to start 24 hours from the last run but it never starts. I have to click on run for it to begin. I would like to leave Soundcloud manager alone and have it just run on its own on a daily basis. Is this possible?

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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:58 pm

Re: Process not starting on schedule

Post by support@rootjazz »

I scheduled soundcloud manager to start 24 hours from the last run but it never starts.
I was unable to understand. What are you trying to do?
You created action and scheduled that? and that is not working?

I have to click on run for it to begin.
Where did you click in order to start the program?
I would like to leave Soundcloud manager alone and have it just run on its own on a daily basis. Is this possible?


The program supports scheduling that will allow you to run action on daily schedule basis.
You don't have to interact with the program daily.

But, apart from all these-
Can you please tell me what are you trying to do?
What action?
How are you creating that?

Did you watch the Youtube videos yet?
If not then please watch -

Please watch all of them and try to do according to them and do let us know what is not working.

For bug submission -

Please, read through this post and submit your issue accordingly. It helps me understand your issue without having to investigate just to figure out what the issue thus giving more time to solve the issue and carry on improving the programs.

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