actions forever 'waiting'

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actions forever 'waiting'

Post by dariush90025 »

Hi, I've been trying to get a simple follow activity going, something I've done a billion times, but for some reason it's just not working.

max follow 255
random pause 1 to 3
repeate 24 hours
8 num repeats
stop following at 2000

and send the action to the activities page but it just waits and waits. tried it a few times..
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Re: actions forever 'waiting'

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Without being able to see the screen is hard to say exactly. So forgive me for going over the obvious.

Is the processor ON (click run) it not, there should be a red message saying click "run".
Are the actions scheduled to the future?
Are you trying to run multiple actions for the same account and have SINGLE ACTION PER ACCOUNT protection mode on (look at the SETTINGS tab to control this).

Have you tried increasing the threads +1 to get the jobs to start working?
Have you tried restarting the program?
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