How do I give soundcloud likes / favourites to my tracks

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How do I give soundcloud likes / favourites to my tracks

Post by martin@rootjazz »

BTW, if I wanna do likes... do i need to have like a million email
addresses for the accounts?
Increase soundcloud likes

Yes, if you want to do likes, you need one email account per soundcloud account. Although that account can then be used to like any number of tracks.

You can bulk create accounts using a catchall email account
More info here

But do bear in mind, if going that route what is discussed here

Basically having 1000 accounts created in 1 hour with (for example)

Can be detected (whether it is or not I do not know, but it can be), so is better to create just 50 at a time. This I know works. You could try 100 a day, or even 200, but whether you will stay under Soundclouds bot detector I do now know

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