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Some features requests

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:23 pm
by Morg2k2
Hi RJ,

I believe this Bot is many spots below then what you used to expect from you :)

I have bought it today, and i also have a couple of more bots of RN and can give you a couple of insights to improve as i list below:

1) Scraping proxies for widgets
2) when increasing plays or videos we should be able to select multiple videos or song plays
3) when increasing widgets should be good include the repeat option like in the video and plays increaser
4) The repeat function also should work like SCM in X hour , n Times
5) I don't understand about the delays if they are in seconds or minutes? it should be nice to have both options
6) Changing the GUI would be nice to have , something like you have in SCM.

Regarding to accounts, fans, comments, etc... i did not analyze much since i need to increase views in a couple of projects :)

but will let you know in a couple of days or a week.


PS: keep up with your excellent work!

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:46 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Pauses are ALWAYS in seconds.

All good suggestions and will see about adding them all, as they are all straight forward. Except the GUI update. That isn't going to happen to be honest.

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:24 pm
by martin@rootjazz

widget proxies
widget repeater

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 5:01 pm
by Morg2k2
admin wrote:Pauses are ALWAYS in seconds.

All good suggestions and will see about adding them all, as they are all straight forward. Except the GUI update. That isn't going to happen to be honest.
At least you are honest :mrgreen:

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:30 pm
by Morg2k2

I found one thing in the processor of the RN bot that to me does not suits me at all.
Basically in the processor i cannot identify who is each Artist since it does not shows me the Artist name, but only the track id of the artist (a number) so when i have 20 or 30 artists in the processor i cannot identify wich is the one i want.

I dont know if you are willing to change this in the bot , but even with all good stuff that you included in the to me this is crucial so i can work with it.


Re: Some features requests

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:19 pm
by martin@rootjazz
update and you can get bulk track plays and video plays
Basically in the processor i cannot identify who is each Artist since it does not shows me the Artist name, but only the track id of the artist (a number) so when i have 20 or 30 artists in the processor i cannot identify wich is the one i want.

I dont know if you are willing to change this in the bot , but even with all good stuff that you included in the to me this is crucial so i can work with it.
What module are you referring to? A screen shot would be handy to see exactly what you mean

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:11 pm
by Morg2k2
Hi RJ,

I am refering to the "Processor Module" where i have all my tasks listed, so basically i cannot identify the artist when his name is something like:

... Artist track12345 ...

I will try to post some screenshots tonight.

Another this that i think would be nice to have should be to add in the proxies list:

a) Decaptcher services
b) Captcha Breaker (

Re: Some features requests

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:53 pm
by martin@rootjazz
ok I understand what you mean, trouble is, that is how RVN works, not with URLs, but IDs.

Which modules are like this? The plays module? Video modules?

Let me know which exact modules are showing up with IDs and I will see what I can do