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Following amount growing constantly despite of unfollow

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:09 pm
by athen
The amount that my profile is following is growing by slow but steady rate. every day there is max X follows and X unfollows. "do not unfollow if following you" is unchecked. By my logic the amount of following should remain constant but it is not remaining constant.

When I started a few months ago it was 550 or so, now it is almost 800 and growing constantly. What is wrong and how can I balance unfollows with follows so that following will remain abt. constant in the long run?

Can it affect that I have had private messages with some of accounts (not that many though), does it mean that SCM will be unable to unfollow them..?

Re: Following amount growing constantly despite of unfollow

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:11 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Are your unfollow actions unfollow correctly? What do the logs say?