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Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:31 pm
by Sylerinc
I am very interested in buying SCM, as currently I have about 1200 followers on soundcloud. But I would really like to grow my audience into a bigger crowd with more organic views follows and interaction each day.

I would like to ask you guys what kind of results have you got off promoting your main account and what strategy you used aside from the ones mentioned in the "SCM management for one account" thread.

How many organic followers do you average a week? What kind of organic growth have you experienced since you started using SCM? Have you ever got banned while doing it? I already have a good following and it would devastate me if I lost my account.

Thank you for your time and Martin you're detailed support responses on every posts are very convincing to buy SCM. Keep up the great work.

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:08 am
by martin@rootjazz
Have you ever got banned while doing it? I already have a good following and it would devastate me if I lost my account.
I have never heard of anyone losing a real account. Fake accounts - sure loads have been deleted, but never an actual / real account.

As to your other questions, I won't answer those (unless you want me to). Maybe some others will chip in, although there doesn't tend to me much discussion here, just people post issues they have / question they have. But maybe...

Just to say there is a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you want to try the app out for 30 days and see how it works for you then do feel free, even if you decide that on day 30 it isn't for you and want a full refund, that is fine


Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:34 am
by Sylerinc
No I would love to hear what you have to say about the other questions. I imagine you have people tell you their results and I trust that it is honest. Thanks for the response as well.

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:57 am
by Sylerinc
Also does the bot recognize when you have already followed and unfollowed a person so you don't end up following them again even if they aren't following you back? Or does it just keep following the same people that haven't followed you back in order? In terms of following someone's else's followers.

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:59 am
by Sylerinc
And I don't mean like following the same person twice when they are already followed. I mean will they get followed again after the process of unfollowing them when you start following people again.

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:50 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Sylerinc wrote:No I would love to hear what you have to say about the other questions. I imagine you have people tell you their results and I trust that it is honest. Thanks for the response as well.
ok, well obviously a lot depends, and also depends on the quality of your music and how you setup your profile / track profiles which the program cannot do anything about (although does make suggestions where it can if you run the "todo" function.

Users like to see profile images, a detailed bio, track images, tracks with some traction (some likes / reposts / comments)

Also your genre will effect things. if your music is very specific and you can target your actions to fans of this genre you are going to see a better return than users who just make "rap" music. As everyone and their dog may like "rap", but they are not fan fans (of course some are, but the vast majority are just casual listeners on soundcloud to listen to new releases from established artists rather than to dig around to find upcoming / underground artists.

That said, if you follow around 80 targeted users aday (filter out the pointless accounts - not been active for 30 days, <50 followers etc), like tracks and perhaps reposts - although this can be a double edge sword as it is syndicated to your feed and if the quality is bad, then it is associated with you, peronally I don't like it when artists I follow repost a lot as it fills my stream up so I tend to unfollow them, but you can do something with heavy filters to try and ensure it is worth while. then I have seen people getting 10-20 new followers a day consistently

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:51 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Sylerinc wrote:Also does the bot recognize when you have already followed and unfollowed a person so you don't end up following them again even if they aren't following you back? Or does it just keep following the same people that haven't followed you back in order? In terms of following someone's else's followers.
yes, it keeps a record, there is a checkbox "follow once" so you can follow people you have unfollowed should you want to

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:07 pm
by lapalomaboy
I am running a very defensive strategy: 1 Premium Account with about 120 interactions per day ( 20 comments with a VERY high quality spintax so im randomly using one of over 10.000 different comments and 100 follows) im playing every track before i follow/like/comment and i dont do anything with trash accounts or proxys. This gets me about 5-6 real organic followers per day and about 12 plays.

One time i accidently triggered about 400 actions by MY OWN FAULT! and i did not get banned.

I am 100% sure Souncloud is "rating" your accounts and giving you different amounts of protection against ban.

For Example my account is a paid pro account for 4 years and is registered for 6 years. I am pretty sure that its harder to get banned than it is compared to a 30 day old free account.

Of course i would be devastated to lose my 6 year old account so im using a very defensive strategy with a small but steady increase! Just leave it in autostart and you tend to forget the programm for weeks :)

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:40 pm
by martin@rootjazz
I remember replying to this, but don't see my reply so must have failed to post it.

As for losing your account, I wouldn't worry, I have never heard of anyone ever losing their main account. Especially as it is a paid account. You would have to be spamming them very aggressively, annoying multiple users, generating lots of complaints. i.e. trying to send 1000s of DMs a day trying to sell penis enlargement pills and dating site signups, that kind of thing

Re: Your results with SCM on only main/single account?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 3:59 am
by jamalcole
SCM is a great program. I reached 1000 followers in 6months. Currently at 1455. Follow 30-50 artist/lusterners who are active users(15-30days). Comment on artist tracks that dont have manyplays/engagement. Message 5-10people daily about your work with a song attached. Message5-10/day about their projects and your new projects. Its alot get creative. I usually take a few hours to setup all of my actions :D