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Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:57 pm
by jojokara
It sometimes happens that the bot does not stop scraping notes, and never gets around to actually following any of them.

I set the scraping limit too 197 in the settings, but the bot keeps scraping forever. It should only follow ~90 times.

I just recently downloaded the bot (around two weeks ago), so may I am just blind to a simple mistake on my side. Any ideas on how to make the bot stop scraping unlimited notes?

(no proxy, should be the most recent version, only issues with following - liking and reblogging works correctly)

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:41 pm
by maVen
I use scrape to get the URLs of blogs I want to follow,
then I go to the FOLLOW module and use "follow from list"

The list created from the scrape can be found in TumblingJazz> help> saved.

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:35 pm
by martin@rootjazz
jojokara wrote:It sometimes happens that the bot does not stop scraping notes, and never gets around to actually following any of them.

I set the scraping limit too 197 in the settings, but the bot keeps scraping forever. It should only follow ~90 times.

I just recently downloaded the bot (around two weeks ago), so may I am just blind to a simple mistake on my side. Any ideas on how to make the bot stop scraping unlimited notes?

(no proxy, should be the most recent version, only issues with following - liking and reblogging works correctly)

the program should stop scraping once it has enough items to action on.

If can send me the processing logs (double click the action in the processor) and submit app logs

then send your logs ID - the first 4 numbers is sufficient (displayed after successful uploading of logs)

should be able to solve whatever is happening

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:44 am
by jojokara
@maVen, thanks for the tip, will check that out!

@Martin, thanks for the swift reply. I just sent the logs, the ID begins with 7052.

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:47 pm
by martin@rootjazz
please descibe the EXACT searh you are performing as it is not clear from your logs. Then I can run through it here and try and figure out why it is not stopped at the requested numer of items to prrocess


Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:44 pm
by jojokara
This is the description of one of the processes that failed:

Search: Search Blogs Recent Notes: Content: all: chakra with [name of the tumblr]

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:11 pm
by martin@rootjazz
The next update will fix this. I shall let you know when it is ready.


Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:38 pm
by martin@rootjazz

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:05 am
by jojokara
excuse my ignorance, but should I uninstall the stable version before downloading the test version of tumblingjazz?

Re: Instead of following, TumblingJazz is just scraping

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:07 pm
by martin@rootjazz
just install it, it will copy over the files it needs to automatically, all your data is safe and will not be touched