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Follow, Like & Reblogs question

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:15 pm
by Divvy
Hello guys,

I am a total newbie using this script that I have buy today.
For that reason, I need some help here... can someone help me? :)

Whats the best settings to use for Follow, Like and Reblogs?
For example for each account?

I watched this tutorial:

And it says:
Follow Settings:
Random Pause: 16 to 30
Time Period: 1 Week
Max Follow: 5
Fluctuate: 2
Repeat Every: 12h

Like Settings:
Random Pause: 1 to 5
Time Period: -
Max Likes: 10
Fluctuate: 0
Repeat Every: 1h

Reblogs Settings:
Random Pause: 1 to 9
Time Period: -
Max Follow: 5
Fluctuate: 0
Repeat Every: 0h
But isnt a low value?
I want to have all potential of this script in my accounts but I also dont want them banned :P

Btw, this is my settings that I use to all my accounts:
Max Daily Follows: 100
Max Daily Likes: 150
Max Daily Reblogs: 80
Max Daily Unfollows: 100
Should I change this to other better settings?

Hope someone can help me, thanks! :)

Can someone take a look to this settings? What do you think? Is it safe?

> Unfollow:
> Follow:
> Like:
> Reblogs: