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Search function in Join Groups section: confusing results

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:52 am
by navigator7477
Ver 1.307
There are two concerns here: I can create separate bugs for them if you request, but I feel at this time that they are related to the same core process, so I will keep them together. The concern is with searching for groups by using a specific term - HARDSTYLE. I have a user that is a member of many hardstyle groups - joined them manually online. I went to join groups function and searched for term HARDSTYLE using this user's account. My list of results consists of 76 lines.
** Issue 1: If you search for term HARDSTYLE on, the list of results is much longer - as of today it is 425 groups (vs. 76). This is particularly odd considering the fact that SC Manager search returned many groups where term HARDSTYLE cannot be found in the name or in the URL - only in the description.
** Issue 2: The results returned are not in sync with the user's account - i.e., they don't reflect the groups to which this user signed up outside of SC. A related post exists that pertains to synchronization of group share lists - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=221 - namely, groups shared manually online are not in sync with groups shared through SC Manager. I am assuming that the function works... although I am a bit discouraged to test it further. Any comments would be of value. But in general, lack of synchronization between SC Manager and the user's original online account makes is difficult for users of live/real accounts to transition to SC Manager platform.

Re: Search function in Join Groups section: confusing result

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:50 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Will need to check on the search, it should be the same as the website. Have you set a max search limit on the settings tab? You can limit the number of pages searched, so rather than returning 100 pages of results, it can just return the first 2 pages, or 10 or whatever.

As for the syncing issue. I am not sure I understand. What results are not synced? What are you doing (what action / what button you click) that returns results not including the manual groups you have followed?

Re: Search function in Join Groups section: confusing result

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:38 pm
by navigator7477
1. As for the settings: (a) I never changed this type of setting anywhere, and (b) I don't see this setting in the Settings section. The setting section has this control blocks: Unsafe mode, Avatars, Captcha service, Proxies/scraping, Login
2. I type the term 'hardstyle' in SEARCH TERM field and I tick the button SEARCH GROUPS.
3. The results list (besides being too short for the term searched) includes some groups which this user already joined online. There is nothing wrong with it I guess if the application doesn't *intend* to synchronize group memberships for the user. But if it does, this simply makes groups harder to manage as the results list has no flag in the list that would indicate that this user is already a member in that group. The bottom line is that it should be easy (a) to find all - or almost all - groups with a specified term in the name and/or in the URL and (b) to manage your membership in those groups by being able to eyeball through the list and to see where you are a member and where you are not a member. does this in a klusterf&ck way because they don't allow sorting, but when you search for groups there using a search term (such as HARDSTYLE), you get a list and in that list next to each group there is a button, which is blue if you are a member there already OR white if you are not... and you can toggle easily - so it works allright. In SC Manager on the other hand that management is currently impossible. And maybe that's OK, but thus far I feel I am in a dead end. It's not clear to me how this can be improved as I don't know your fine product well enough yet; but to begin with, the search results list is way off... perhaps things will get more intuitive and more self-explanatory for me when that is fixed, at which point I can revisit a possible solution for better management (or alternatively I will shut up because things will start to look coherent as a result).