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Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:26 am
by navigator7477
I entered a URL (verified to be valid) for a group in the Group URL and created an action to SHARE TO GROUP. The action failed due to "* FAILED: Failed to post details - probable network / proxy issue"... However, I was not using a proxy. The account for which this action was created was my own and has no proxy set up - it works from my IP address. It appears that either a proxy is required to process this type action (doesn't make sense) or the error code shown in the log is incorrect (i.e., the failure is attributed to something else).

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:17 pm
by martin@rootjazz
The key word is *probable*.

With errors, I have to make some kind of assumption. If an error is 80-90% of the time identified, I consider it best to make an assumption that is correct most the time, but wrong sometime.

In this instance, it is not a proxy issue.

Can you send me the group URL for me to test -

Code: Select all

or via PM. Just incase it is group specific.

I will test the feature out as well

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:21 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Tested and it worked correctly for me.

This was on the latest version

Please send Group Url so I can confirm with the group as well

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:35 pm
by navigator7477
It is time for me to get an update for sure...

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:24 pm
by martin@rootjazz
Probably time for me to put a freeze on new features, so can make the testing version the stable version... :)

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:50 am
by navigator7477
Don't stop developing - it is a fantastic product! Just take a pause to iron out any issues that persist after the V2 SC upgrade.

Re: Group URL not working - Share Track to Groups

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:54 pm
by martin@rootjazz
I didn't mean permanently.

The testing version needs to be out for at least a week before I switch it to stable. But when I am uploading a new testing version every 1-2 days. It never is tested long enough to go stable. Hence why stable is 10-20 releases behind.

Testing has to sit for at least a week, as sometimes new issues crop up, I mess the build up, so I don't want to force all users to upgrade to which turns out to a be a buggy testing build.

So, I need to let testing "freeze" for a week and not do anything to it. Then if no bug reports come in, then it goes to stable and then I carry on with the dev. Is good as it gives me time to get on with other programs. In the last freeze, I pretty much banged out 70% of the new youtube bot coming out soon....