Reblogging video from RSS help

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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by maVen »

martin@rootjazz wrote:
I tried scraping the and then used the .txt file created (imported 38 video urls) to post using the video module but they all failed.
Of course, if we think about it.

you scraped tumblr posts. If you enter a post URL into your browser, you get an HTML page, that contains a video. Not the video itself. You cannot post a tumblr post URL into the POST VIDEO FROM URL box within tumblr, so TumJaz cannot do that either

TumJaz can only post video URLS that you could use to POST VIDEOS FROM URLs manually. IT is not possible for me to know take any webpage and extract all video files, there are infinite possibilities, so you have to provide instructions on how to get the video files. Everything need to do this exists, is just a case of
1) knowing what you want todo
2) knowing how todo what you want todo

Yeah, but I purchased a bot to do all this, it's called tumblingjazz, you might have heard of it :?

.... you do the code, you make it happen and I pay you for a bot to make it simple and repeatable, this is a marketing tool man, you have to make these options for the layman, that's the whole point, no good telling me I need to xpath this and attr that, c'mon man, please sort it out for gods sake, you have modules that are massively mis-titled imo, they can't do what you claim without prior/intricate coding/computer knowledge.
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by martin@rootjazz »

maVen wrote:
martin@rootjazz wrote:
I tried scraping the and then used the .txt file created (imported 38 video urls) to post using the video module but they all failed.
Of course, if we think about it.

you scraped tumblr posts. If you enter a post URL into your browser, you get an HTML page, that contains a video. Not the video itself. You cannot post a tumblr post URL into the POST VIDEO FROM URL box within tumblr, so TumJaz cannot do that either

TumJaz can only post video URLS that you could use to POST VIDEOS FROM URLs manually. IT is not possible for me to know take any webpage and extract all video files, there are infinite possibilities, so you have to provide instructions on how to get the video files. Everything need to do this exists, is just a case of
1) knowing what you want todo
2) knowing how todo what you want todo

Yeah, but I purchased a bot to do all this, it's called tumblingjazz, you might have heard of it :?

.... you do the code, you make it happen and I pay you for a bot to make it simple and repeatable, this is a marketing tool man, you have to make these options for the layman, that's the whole point, no good telling me I need to xpath this and attr that, c'mon man, please sort it out for gods sake, you have modules that are massively mis-titled imo, they can't do what you claim without prior/intricate coding/computer knowledge.

Yeah, but I purchased a bot to do all this, it's called tumblingjazz, you might have heard of it :?
Yes, once you have told TumJaz how to extract what you want from a feed, it will post those videos day in and day out. But how is it expected to "know" what you want. An analogy would be "I bought TumJazz and it doesn't know what folder on my computer to use to upload images from". Of course it doesn't, you have to tell it.

When you want to do complicated things, you have to learn how to do it. Posting from RSS feeds is complicated, it is an advanced feature, there is an infinite possibilities of how the feed is laid out. It is *IMPOSSIBLE* to have the program "know" how to handle these, impossible. Without someone coding knowledge of RSS / HTML / XPATH youa re quite correct the module is not so useful. But to users who know this, it is very powerful. These features cannot really be made for the layman, but does this mean they should not be included? Perhaps you may say yes, I disagree, hence they are included.

The layman features are all there. Uploaded a folder of images, search and like / reblog. These advanced features are there to compliment the layman features.

The program tries to automatically specify the meta details for the main feed types. If any more are suggested, they get added
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by maVen »

I have told it what I want, I want to post videos from the RSS feed, using the "post video from rss module", I don't understand why I need to know all this html/attr/xpath stuff - Extract all the videos from this feed and add them to my tumblr queue with my marketing stuff added and any previous stuff removed.

I have a CCNA qualification so I'm not computer illiterate, I know all you have to do is make it do what I want via a GUI, I don't need to know about xpath/attr/rss.

I can use the FREE website to pull images from an RSS feed, drop them into my dropbox account, get IFTTT to trigger when images hit my dropbox account then post that image to tumblr, then create a trigger to post that tumblr post to twitter, then from twitter to facebook, a huge great big chain spanning the internet for FREE.

The ONLY reason I have purchased tumblingjazz is to repost videos that are already on tumblr, you said I could do that, I can't.

The "reblog" module doesn't work 100% because it can't see if there's an actual video at the url.
The "post video from RSS" won't work because I need a qualification in coding to even understand it
The only thing TJ can do for me in the way of reblogging videos is the mass-reblog module, and it only reblogs new posts (so it posts everything, I can't even select "just video" or "just images" or "just audio") meaning I have to edit my queue every day and remove the irrelevant stuff.

I'm not going to stop pushing you into making this a proper fully working (with up to date instructions) marketing tool that everyone can actually use.
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by maVen »

I keep getting errors, now on the mass-reblog module, what does "couldn't pull url" mean.

Code: Select all

Couldn't pull iframeUrl
Couldn't pull iframeUrl: homemadesextapes
0 successful: Reblog
There are new videos at this rss feed, I know it, I can see them and I'm getting really annoyed at just how buggy this thing is, I'm here everyday with problems.

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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by maVen »

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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by martin@rootjazz »

maVen wrote:I have told it what I want, I want to post videos from the RSS feed, using the "post video from rss module"
and I have told you how to do it
I don't understand why I need to know all this html/attr/xpath stuff - Extract all the videos from this feed and add them to my tumblr queue with my marketing stuff added and any previous stuff removed.
because it is an advanced module that is technically difficult
I have a CCNA qualification so I'm not computer illiterate, I know all you have to do is make it do what I want via a GUI, I don't need to know about xpath/attr/rss.
This is never going to happen. Sorry, it is not possible. I have tried to explain why not, my apologies if this is still not clear, I am not sure how I can explain it any other way. But I shall try, one more time.

The RSS feed does not contain an element <video-url> if it did, then it would be easy.

The RSS feeds LINKS to a webpage containing an EMBEDDED video.
This embedded video is also shown in the <summary> element (or perhaps <description>)

Do you understand what I mean so far? How the video URL is included in the embed code of the summary element?

So what we have to work with is a block of html / javascript of the summary tag. Now we have to be able to extract the video URL.

However, the video URL could be anything, the embed code could be anything. ANYTHING. I cannot assume / guess / work out automatically. Instead we have to use techniques for extracting text strings (the URL) from the code. This is where the XPATH comes it, is use designed for EXTRACTING TEXT STRINGS FROM HTML / XML.

The other way is regular expressions, but trust me, you don't want to go there.

I can use the FREE website to pull images from an RSS feed, drop them into my dropbox account, get IFTTT to trigger when images hit my dropbox account then post that image to tumblr, then create a trigger to post that tumblr post to twitter, then from twitter to facebook, a huge great big chain spanning the internet for FREE.
Images are easy, videos are not, hence why this feature is not in any other program. It is complex and technical and does requires some background knowledge to work
The ONLY reason I have purchased tumblingjazz is to repost videos that are already on tumblr, you said I could do that, I can't.
You can, but you have to learn how. I will help you, but if you are just going to sit there and say "I am not going to try, I am not going to learn" then to be honest you won't be able to.

I don't buy a copy of photoshop, then write to adobe complaining I cannot use some advanced feature if I don't put the time in to learn it.
The "reblog" module doesn't work 100% because it can't see if there's an actual video at the url.
The reblog modules DOES work. Your expectations of what it should do are wrong. IT reblogs posts. IF tumblr shows a post, it is a post. Whether the LINKED to end media exists. If tumblr keeps the post up and is unable to tell, how can TumJaz?

The "post video from RSS" won't work because I need a qualification in coding to even understand it
*sigh* it does work. Going back to the photoshop example, can I tell adobe X feature doesn't work because *I* don't understand it?
The only thing TJ can do for me in the way of reblogging videos is the mass-reblog module, and it only reblogs new posts (so it posts everything, I can't even select "just video" or "just images" or "just audio") meaning I have to edit my queue every day and remove the irrelevant stuff.
You can perform a RECENT SEARCH with the video FILTER. This will allow you to reblog only videos (as I have told you many times)
I'm not going to stop pushing you into making this a proper fully working (with up to date instructions) marketing tool that everyone can actually use.
How about, instead of this, you go through what I have written,

load up your feed in a text editor (I would recommend notepad++)

Break it down in to items / entry

Look at the element that contains the URL

Confirm if there is a pattern for video URLs through all items / entries

Then if so, ask me for the xpath to extract a URL with a matching pattern of XYZ
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Re-reading the thread I have already told you exactly what you have to put in order to repost Videos from
the feed for ukmobilephone....
Rss Meta Options
ITEM TAG: <item>
VIDEO URL: <description>[srclike=video_file]
It will extract all video files like ... hHg1u01bb4 ... 76C1u01bb4

and will attempt to post those to tumblr "post video from URL feature"
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by maVen »

Code: Select all

Starting RSS Post:
Couldn't pull src:
Tried another /rss URL and got some to reblog but with no preview and bizarrely it has removed all the "p" from my description, I used the ((TUM)) in the description.

Can you check out my "assign rss elements" and tell me if this is correct, do I use "custom" (i have) or "YouTube Default"



Can you help me get it to preview and not remove the "p" in my ((TUM)) description.
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Not sure why your description has lost the p's. It might be due to you entering a specific description and not specifying an RSS feed element to extract the description from. I don't remember ever testing this myself, so that could be the reason. I am testing that now and will get back to you in a few minutes
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Re: Reblogging video from RSS help

Post by martin@rootjazz »

maVen wrote:

Code: Select all

Starting RSS Post:
Couldn't pull src:
Try it in a browser

It won't work, the URL is wrong

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