Posting tweets

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Posting tweets

Post by oliva »

I have some questions regarding posting tweets on 40+ accounts:

1. How to import tweets file? "View example file" shows
#tab delimited CSV
#tweet body tags(tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4...)[o] [o] optional
Hello twitter welcome to rootjazz #rootjazz bots #automation

So I've converted text file into tab delimited CSV, but when I am clicking on button to import file it shows only "text". If I'll add text file it says "No content"

2. How to post in a loop/non-stop? There is "Time Period' - max 1 month. Will it stop after 1 month? Let's say I have 15k tweets and I want it to be posted non-stop - how to do that?

3. Repeat #times - per chosen Time period? Should you do calculations if you choose 1 month?

4. Max Repeats Daily - does it mean max tweets daily?

5. How to save posting settings? If I close program and open it again there is nothing...

6. How sensitive is the program to changes in Internet speed? If speed is down posting probably will stop even if it's few minutes. Will it auto start when speed increases? TweetAdder could do that.

7. How realistic it is to use 1 set of API keys for at least just posting to 40+ accounts? Creating custom keys will require phone numbers for the accounts
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Re: Posting tweets

Post by martin@rootjazz »

oliva wrote:I have some questions regarding posting tweets on 40+ accounts:

1. How to import tweets file? "View example file" shows
#tab delimited CSV
#tweet body tags(tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4...)[o] [o] optional
Hello twitter welcome to rootjazz #rootjazz bots #automation

So I've converted text file into tab delimited CSV, but when I am clicking on button to import file it shows only "text". If I'll add text file it says "No content"
Please send me the file to text with
2. How to post in a loop/non-stop? There is "Time Period' - max 1 month. Will it stop after 1 month? Let's say I have 15k tweets and I want it to be posted non-stop - how to do that?
Time period just fills in the RANDOM PAUSE period. So if you load in a 1000 tweets and specify 1 week, it will work out what the pause should be to post 1000 tweets in a week

If you want to post the tweets in a loop, so post all, then start posting again. hmmmm, there are a couple of ways

1) specify the tweets, then specify how many to post each action and repeat the action. Although there is no guarantee the order is maintained. As they will be taken at random. So you could post tweet 1 twice, before you post tweet 10

2) Knowing how many tweets you have, lets say 100. Then specify to post 100 tweets, with a random pause. So all tweets are posted. Then repeat the action as required. So if you want to post a tweet every hour. Load in tweets, specify pause of 3600 (one hour of seconds). Then max num 100, repeat every hour.

The action will post all, wait an hour, then start again. Actually this is the best way.

3. Repeat #times - per chosen Time period? Should you do calculations if you choose 1 month?
ignore it, if you don't know you need it.

Perhaps you are doing a promo. And want to tweet the same tweet every hour for a day. you would set it to repeat every1 hour, repeat 24 hours times then stop.
4. Max Repeats Daily - does it mean max tweets daily?
Maybe you want to repeat a tweet every 10 minutes. For two hours., but only maybe 10 times a day then start again tomorrow. So yes a daily limit. Only repeat this tweet X times in a 24 hour period.

5. How to save posting settings? If I close program and open it again there is nothing...
There might be a menu option to do this, might be in a different program I cannot remember. If there isn't, then you cannot. Remind me and I can about adding it
6. How sensitive is the program to changes in Internet speed? If speed is down posting probably will stop even if it's few minutes. Will it auto start when speed increases? TweetAdder could do that.
Your internet speed is ignore. The program doesn't use a lot of bandwidth, just basic text communication between server and app
7. How realistic it is to use 1 set of API keys for at least just posting to 40+ accounts? Creating custom keys will require phone numbers for the accounts
Unsure, I don't know what most people do, you'd have to ask twitter for an actual answer as they can see the backend :-)

If at all possible, use multiple keys, it avoids footprints, which is always good. Depends what you are doing though. Annoy users / spam hard and all could be at risk. Use wisely on real accounts, it is safe
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