Can't verify

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Can't verify

Post by qw20211202 »

"verify login web" cannot verify the account, prompting network failure! But I can confirm that there is no problem with the network. I can open twitter normally using "open acc in session browser". What is the reason? The log has been submitted with ID ~ 23494
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Re: Can't verify

Post by martin@rootjazz »

The app has no network.

-1 / empty / <null> means no response received.

This is either your network was down, the proxy wasn't working, something on your machine blocked the request / the site server timed out and didn't respond in time (unlikely but does happen)

If using a proxy, test it:
Please confirm your proxy is working, more info on how to do that here:

If the proxy appears to be working fine, please run the action again as it could have been a network "blip".

If the proxies are working, then something on your machine is blocking the access to the app. Most often this is you Anti Virus / Security software. The two most common are:

* Windows Defender
* Smart screen / app security

Forum help page

Please let me know what operating system you are using and how you run the program: At home / on VPS / In VM?

Please check your anti virus / security software and make sure the applications program files folder:

c:\program files (x86)\twitterdub

is whitelisted and / or all the .exe and .dlls in that folder.

also the python TLS browser:

Or just disable all Anti virus / app security processes and try again, if it now works, that is the issue and you can try and find a less drastic solution to stop these processes blocking TD from the network

Also, some countries (eg China) cannot access twitter and need to use a VPN to access the service. If this is not configured correctly the program will not route through the VPN and all connections will be blocked.

You may need to select the option:


You can test what IP is being use:

Let me know what it says in the dialog that shows. (screenshot is fine)

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