Share Track to Users

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Share Track to Users

Post by navigator7477 »

This function is unclear. It is obvious how sharing to groups works. But sharing to users is not intuitive. For example:
1. I entered a track URL in field "Track to Share"
2. I typed "electro" in field "Search Term or group URL"
3. I ticked an account in the account list
4. I typed 100 in field "Share track to users" and entered a delay between 10 and 100.
As a result an action was created Share Users Groups Search or URL. In the progress popup I can see that X number of groups were found and Y number of users were found with term "electro" in them. Then, I see that track sharing is successful... but when I go to see the messages in my Outbox using a browser, there is nothing there. So, the sharing didn't work.. In other words, there the share to users function appears to have a bug.
Help is appreciated.
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Re: Share Track to Users

Post by martin@rootjazz »


Thanks for reporting your findings. I will go run some tests now. Soundcloud is forever making little tweeks to the site which breaks some functionality. When users report these I can investigate and fix.

Regarding the false reporting of success. Some actions get no response from soundcloud if they are successful or fail (others do get a true:false response so the app can report accurately) In the instance where no notification is sent from soundcloud, the program "assumes" success. Not sure if "Share to Users" is one of those or it is bug.

Will report back soon (about an hour) when I have more information
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Re: Share Track to Users

Post by martin@rootjazz »

I just tested the share to users functionality.

Although nothing was found in my outbox, when I logged into the user I shared the track to, they had received the share.

So I assume, when you share a track in the browser, you do *not* get a notification in your outbox, as it isn't an actual mesasge, but a different function within the soundcloud site.

. I entered a track URL in field "Track to Share"
2. I typed "electro" in field "Search Term or group URL"
3. I ticked an account in the account list
4. I typed 100 in field "Share track to users" and entered a delay between 10 and 100.
That is correct, just must make sure the track belongs to the account select. I always
1) Select account
3) Select a track from the display list
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Re: Share Track to Users

Post by navigator7477 »

This is good to know - many thanks. The only concern that I would have - purely intuitively - in this regard is that any message that is received by a user ("received" in this context can mean only one thing - "found in the user's inbox") but not recorded in the sender's outbox can be interpreted by Soundcloud as spam. If you have reassuring thoughts on this notion, it would be great to hear them. By the way, in the event you may find this information userul, here is what I learned recently about sending PMs: if you try to send a PM within less than 5 minutes after you send your previous PM (to the same user or to another user), Soundcloud errors your attempt and displays an error message "whooa, you are going too fast".
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Re: Share Track to Users

Post by martin@rootjazz »

It isn't SCM not putting the message in the outbox. The bot just automates the exact same process that happens when you perform the action in the browser. When share a track to a user, SOUNDCLOUD decides NOT to include a copy in your outbox. It is nothing to do with SCM.
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Re: Share Track to Users

Post by navigator7477 »

Thanks for clarifying. This wasn't obvious to me because such behavior would be inconsistent with my experience of sending personal messages manually. Perhaps there is some logic to this that is not immediately apparent. I will update this post if I learn anything new.
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