Don't follow same user twice feature

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Don't follow same user twice feature

Post by DonHazey »

4) Select all accounts when doing the action. Although your accounts may end up following the same user. Accounts in SCM are separate entities, so they do not have a way of knowing what other of your accounts have followed other users.***
OK I understand this. This is pretty much the most important feature for me in a Souncloud bot as all users that I follow need to be different. In Soundcloud Dominator there is a "Do not follow again" button that stops you from following all the same people on your list of accounts. Is there anyway you could implement this into your software?

Just an idea but maybe you could scrape all users to a txt file. Then when your follow one of the users it is removed from the txt file so no other account in the list follows the same user. Kind of like the feature used in FFAP.

Would you be able to add this feature or could I get a private version of the bot that does this as it is very important to me. I would even be willing to pay extra for this feature to get it as soon as possible. Let me know if there is anything you can do.

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Re: Don't follow same user twice feature

Post by martin@rootjazz »

You are the first person to request this and it is a good suggestion. So will add it to my todo list (which is, as always huge, so am not sure when it will be completed)

However, I do offer the chance to "sponsor" features. Basically, this is a bribe to get me to implement your "must have" feature now, that would otherwise not be implemented, or not for the foreseeable future. I didn't use to offer this, as I felt bad asking for additional money after you have just purchased the software. However, a couple of users asked if they could contribute to the dev time for a feature if I implemented for a priority, so now I make this option known.

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Re: Don't follow same user twice feature

Post by arcan210 »

Soundcloud dominators "do not follow again" feature does not act on all accounts in your list. It only means that when you follow a user with an account and later unfollow them, they will never be re-followed using the same account. You will still see overlap in the people that each of your accounts follow.
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