Has SC changed safe limits for follow/unfollow...?

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Has SC changed safe limits for follow/unfollow...?

Post by athen »

I keep ketting bans from SC and it feels they are coming way too easy. This started in like 10/2015 or so.

I thought it was safe to follow /unfollow if both limits are max 50 per day. Now I got a 6 day ban from following 35 accounts in one day.

Before this I had FL /UFL both 25 per day and it was ok for a while, but I didnt really get new followers so I doubled to 50/50 and then this happened (again).

Could it be that there is a bug or design flaw in my version of SCM ( Maybe its communicating too much with SC or in the wrong way and causes the IP address or account to be flagged?

I had 5-6 accounts form this IP following every day in total of up to 325 fl per day and this continued for months and months and now I am unable to follow over 35 per day with 1 account.

1. If I change IP address but use the same account is it likely that the same follow limitations are there..?

2. If I create new accounts but use the same IP address is it likely that the same follow limitations are there..?
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Re: Has SC changed safe limits for follow/unfollow...?

Post by martin@rootjazz »

Once you get a ban, the next one comes VERY easy.

Leave it for a while, go EASY when the ban ends, do not think you can go back to what you were.
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Re: Has SC changed safe limits for follow/unfollow...?

Post by rootjazzcustomer »

I would say your problem is only using 1 ip address by what you have described in your post.

If you are using 5-6 accounts all on ONE ip address without using proxies and applying the PROXY scrapes then yeah 325 for one ip address is high.
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Re: Has SC changed safe limits for follow/unfollow...?

Post by arcan210 »

This has to be unique to your situation, probably because of so many accounts on a single IP. I have dozens of accounts that I do promotion for, and I have them all churning away at just under 200 follows/unfollows per day. At some point in the past... the limit for a "Clean" account (one thats never been banned or warned as a result of automation) was 200 follow or unfollows per day. So i have SCM set to do 95 follows and 95 unfollows every day on all accounts. None of the accounts I promote in this way have ever received so much as a look from soundcloud, and the return on followers has been amazing. Most of my accounts see about 500 new followers per month. While that may not sound like a ton.... it really adds up.

Anyway... just wanted to tell you that given my results, it is very unlikely to be a SCM issue. Invest in some proxies to get your accounts off the same IP address, and take it real slow for a while. What I have learned is that limits are now set per-user depending on a few factors...

1.) how clean is the account. accounts that have been banned or warned will have lower limits.
2.) the patterns of the account. - if you only follow an average of 5 users per day... you cannot suddenly follow 100, or their automated system will flag you for review. However, if you have always followed 100 per day, they wont bat an eye.

So basically what i am saying is that once you have your accounts proxied... start small... 10 follows/unfollows per day. Every few days, increase the number by a few until you get them up to a good number. Once you have them there.. keep the patterns stable. As soon as you fall off and let it slip, you lose all the progress you've made. If you do it right, SCM will reap thousands of followers for you. If you dont do it right, you'll get all your accounts banned. It's a powerful tool, but you have to invest both time and cash to make it work optimally. It cant protect you from yourself :)

I'm always up to talk strategy with fellow SCM'ers. Hit me up at arcan210 (at) Gmail if you want.

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